


Friends Select School is under the care of two Meetings of the Religious Society of Friends—Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting (Race Street) and the Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Arch Street). The school's board is comprised of 22 trustees, 12 of whom are directly nominated by the two Friends Meetings. The 10 at-large members (non-Quaker) are selected to attain a good balance of strengths within the whole of the board. Current and past parents, as well as Friends Select alumni, are well-represented on the board.

There are a number of committees that work to support the mission of Friends Select. These include: Committee on Trusteeship; Development Committee; Finance Committee; Head’s Advisory Committee; Quaker Life Committee; and Property Committee. As needed, special committees will be formed to work on the school's strategic plan, Advance Friends Select, major fundraising campaigns, and significant building projects. The guiding principles of the board are to sustain the financial stability of the institution, and to support the work of the head of school. Therefore the board's most important work is to review and approve the annual budget, and to approve major initiatives, policies, and expenditures.

Friends Select's board meets seven times during the school year. The schedule includes a September retreat and an annual members meeting.


2024-25 Board of Trustees


  • Benjamin Camp
  • Sherry Claypool
  • Kemel Dawkins '68
  • Daniel Hewitt '70
  • Richard Hunt '74
  • Grant Johnson
  • Ingrid Lakey '89
  • Elaine Lander
  • Matthew Lee
  • Ed Pappas
  • Robert Parker '77
  • Suzanne Root '54
  • Ashley Searles
  • Amit Shah
  • Jaimin Shah
  • Brian Shepherd
  • Emily Smith '90
  • Sam Spear '71
  • Andrew Thompson
  • Natalie Valentine-Adams
  • Nancy van Arkel
  • Elizabeth Widdicombe



Pictured above, front row: Jaimin Shah, Abby Schrader, Natalie Valentine-Adams, Elizabeth Widdicombe, Suzanne Root '54, Sherry Claypool, Kemel Dawkins '68

Second row:Andrew Thompson, Grant Johnson, Heath Meyers, Richard Hunt '74, Louise Langford, Sam Spear '71, Ingrid Lakey '89, Amit Shah, Ed Pappas, Nancy van Arkel, Matthew Lee

Not pictured: Jeffrey Abrams, Benjamin Camp, Elaine Lander, Ashley Searles





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